“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” - Matthew 6:34
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Anxiety can be crippling! The worrying, feeling restless, so tired, the difficulty breathing, sweating, feeling like an elephant is stepping on your chest, dizziness, lack of concentration, racing thoughts, crying, irritable outbursts, or feeling like you are losing control are all impacting your body and mind.
I have struggled with anxiety since childhood and didn't realize that the "looping" of my worries was connected to my physical symptoms of anxiety, until I was an adult. As a Family Therapist for over 20 years, I have been able to help thousands of adults and children decrease the symptoms and be at peace. I want that for you too.
Let's get started and go through the best 2 ways to decrease all of your physical and mental anxiety symptoms.
Have you seen my YouTube video on rating your Anxiety level? Is your anxiety level low (your rating would be Zero to Five)? Or is it at a Six to Ten and you feel awful? Below I share my Anxiety Scale and I want you to check in with yourself and see what level you are at right now.
When your anxiety is at low levels, we need to relax ourselves. We need tools to calm ourselves and center our minds.
At Tranquility Moms, I share tools for you to find Tranquility ~ a state of no distress, calmness, serenity, so that you can feel joy, peace and love fully.
Yet, unmanaged, the anxiety keeps climbing and reaches a 6 or above on the Anxiety Scale. Now, you are needing to exert yourself. Your blood is filling with the hormone Adrenaline and leaving you in a state of fight, flight or flee. Your brain thinks you are fighting off a tiger!
Some of us are worriers more than others, that has to do with genetics, hormones and situations. Check out my Don't Worry, Be a Happy Mom YouTube video.
Knowing when to exert yourself versus when to relax yourself are the 2 best ways to decrease all of your anxiety symptoms!
Years ago when working with families in counseling, I created the Gardner Anxiety Scale:
I suggest rating your anxiety 3 times each day. You will notice a pattern - how is it in the morning? How high is your anxiety in the evening? At work versus at home? Some adults notice it is worse in the morning or the daytime is calm but bedtime is awful. You can plug in the right tools at the right time of day!
If you realize that your anxiety is at low levels (a rating of 0 to 5), you can use relaxation techniques. Too many clients tell me that they use relaxation any time they have anxiety - nope, it only works at the low levels of Zero to Five!
You want to decrease the tension that is building and recognize what set off the anxiety. The hope is to reduce it and always stay under a 5.
Best Ways to Relax Yourself and Decrease Your Anxiety:
If you realize that your anxiety is at high levels (a rating of 6 to 10), you need exertion techniques. The Adrenaline is pumping and you need to "trick" your mind to release it.
If your brain is scanning and thinking there is danger, then you need to exert yourself to make your mind think you ARE fighting off a tiger!
No one wants to be irritable, agitated, pacing around, forgetful and having terrible sleep due to anxiety. But Adrenaline stays in the bloodstream for 72 hours. You may be having the piggy-back effect, one day of anxiety triggers leads to the next and the next and the next. Ugh!
As you reduce the symptoms, you will feel the anxiety levels decrease below 5 and you can manage them more easily with the above relaxation tips!
Best Ways to Exert Yourself and Decrease Your Anxiety:
You will feel a difference when you learn what your body and mind need - to relax versus when to exert yourself. There are so many other tips to manage anxiety! Check out my YouTube videos and blog posts about wellness!
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” - Matthew 6:34
I pray that you find your Tranquility today!
~ Upcoming book in 2023 by Kathryn Gardner ~ Find Tranquility on Your Family Trip: Connect, Recharge and Reset. Plus 100 Christian Family Travel Activities
So glad you are on this journey with me to go from stressed to refreshed! Find your tranquility today!
Be well and God bless,
Kathryn Gardner is a mom of 2, police wife, Therapist specializing in the wellness of moms & Certified Health Coach. She moved with her family to Tampa, FL to be near the ocean and explore the health benefits of nature. Her passion is helping stressed moms find tranquility! Check out TranquilityMoms.com for the latest blog post and YouTube video. She posts encouraging messages on Instagram and Facebook.
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